What to Bring. What not to Bring.
Proper packing is important to ensure a comfortable and safe experience. Don’t bring anything you’re afraid to get dirty. One of our goals this season is to have zero items left behind, so consider labeling your goods. To bring (mandatory): ___ water bottle ___ cap or hat ___ sunscreen ___ insect repellant (no aerosol) ___ flashlight or headlamp ___ bedding: sleeping bag or twin sheets and pillow ___ footwear: two pairs (closed toe), one that can be used for the creek, i.e. that can get wet/dirty. No flip flops. ___ 4 pair underwear ___ 4 pair socks (at least 1-2 are long) ___ 4 short-sleeve shirts ___ 1-2 long sleeve shirts (light weight) ___ 2-3 shorts ___ 1 long pants (light weight or blue jeans) ___ 1 rain jacket or poncho (with hood) ___ 1 bathing suit (no swimming, but for wading in creek and with hoses/sprinkler) ___ toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, if necessary) ___ bath towel and wash cloth ___ laundry bag(s) for dirty clothes
May bring (optional): rain boots book journal and/or sketch pad disposable camera sweatshirt
Things to leave at home (not allowed):
If a camper brings any of the following items, they will be held by camp staff until camp end. *any electronic item, including cell phones *food or candy *make up or perfumed cosmetic products *fireworks, matches, candles or lighters *pocket knives
p.s. All animals found at camp stay at camp